Traffic Data Analytics for Advanced modelling
Save 95% of your time and reduce manual tasks on traffic model calibration with automated traffic data analytics. Get traffic behaviour and performance measures in the minutest detail, while focusing on other more relevant tasks.
Traffic Data Analytics for Advanced modelling
Save 95% of your time and reduce manual tasks on traffic model calibration with automated traffic data analytics. Get traffic behaviour and performance measures in the minutest detail, while focusing on other more relevant tasks.

Available traffic analyses
Versatility of the extracted data in GoodVision allows you to perform various analyses over the same set of data. Besides traffic counts, you can obtain a high-resolution traffic data for traffic modelling.
Object Trajectory Inspection
Gap-acceptance Analysis
Detect Events and Violations
Queue Length Analysis
Ask your traffic data supplier to use GoodVision for traffic data extraction on your next project
Once the surveyor collects traffic data in GoodVision Video Insights, he simply shares the data and videos to you, to keep analysing it in a smart way. Don’t let your projects go down with manual work again. Try GoodVision!
Use cases
Traffic model calibration
When you are working with traffic simulation software, no matter the brand, you need a multitude of traffic data to calibrate your traffic models. GoodVision is your workspace, where you can prepare this data and simply paste it into your model. It can be multimodal traffic volumes, speed data, reduced speed areas, saturation flows, gap analysis data and travel time. Think how difficult it was to obtain this data before. Not anymore with GoodVision!
Gap acceptance analyses
Driving behaviour factors in the studied infrastructure referring to speed, critical gap or follow-up headway, are the most complex data to obtain in an empirical way. Not only they are difficult to collect, but also because it is very complex to process into raw data. GoodVision is the platform where you can analyse the raw driving behaviour parameters in great detail.
For this solution you will need a Modeller plan. Read here about our platform plans.
How does it work?
Advanced analytical features are the part of the GoodVision Video Insights platform. It all starts with extracting traffic data from the video. If you don’t have a compatible traffic data supplier, let us know and we’ll make a recommendation.
1. Start with traffic data from GoodVision
To start using the advanced analytics you need the data that was extracted by GoodVision Video Insights platform. You can either process your own video footage, ask your traffic data supplier to provide you with the data this way.
Ask your traffic data supplier
2. Describe your traffic scene
On any traffic scene, you can define various advanced filters, capture events or create complex scenarios for analysis.


Complex networks


Learn about scene description and how to visually analyse your extracted data.
Define conditions for filtering
Zone intrusions
Delays and occupancy
Stopped vehicles
Traffic scenarios
Interactive analytics
You can perform analyses online and interactively over the extracted traffic data. There is plenty of traffic performance parameters to obtain, analyse and report.
3. Analyse, export, and share
You can report vehicle by vehicle traffic parameters and measures from any scene. See the section below to see all the available traffic analyses.
Advanced traffic data exports
Colaborate on your data
You can share your traffic project and the data with your team members or customers.
Collaborate on your projects
Share your results
Need help getting started?
Stop frustrating over unreliable data from other solutions. Use street cameras to control traffic and keep your finger on the pulse of all events.Explore our other solutions
GoodVision provides a solution for each stage of traffic data management on your projects