Real-time Traffic Monitoring

School Zones

Protect children and pedestrians in school zones by monitoring vehicle speeds, ensuring compliance with reduced speed limits, and detecting hazardous driving behavior.

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Enhancing Safety in School Zones: Using GoodVision to Monitor Speeds and Prevent Hazardous Driving


GoodVision software provides real-time vehicle speed tracking in school zones, ensuring drivers adhere to reduced speed limits and increasing overall safety.


The software detects and flags dangerous driving behaviors such as rapid acceleration, abrupt stops, or lane violations, helping to reduce risks to children and pedestrians.


By analyzing traffic patterns and speed data, GoodVision automates the identification of non-compliance, allowing authorities to take quick, informed actions to improve safety.

Key Capabilities of GoodVision Live Traffic

All-Weather Operation:
Reliable in rain, fog, and snow
Seamless Integration:
Compatible with existing camera setups
PTZ Camera Support:
Works with Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras
24/7 Monitoring:
Accurate day and night insights
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Deployment & Integration

• Video Analysis on Local Devices:
Video analysis is performed solely on the local device or server, ensuring efficient and immediate processing of traffic data.

• Data Transfer to GoodVision:
Traffic reports, events, and metrics are securely transferred to the GoodVision platform for comprehensive analysis and insights.

• Scalable Hardware Deployment Options:
GoodVision Live Traffic supports diverse hardware configurations, from a single camera to thousands, scaling effortlessly to meet the needs of any urban environment.

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Lanner EAI-I131 Hardware Specifications:

Processing Chip: NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX
Camera Stream Capability: Processes up to 10 IP camera streams
Connectivity: Gigabit LAN, WiFi 6, 5G
Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 70°C
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Concerned About Safety in School Zones? Let’s Make Them Safer Together!

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Helping improve traffic control every step of the way by monitoring traffic in real-time