Your secure traffic video storage
GoodVision Vault is the place to store your traffic video footage. But it’s not just storage, videos are connected to your extracted traffic data, so you can look up events, verify traffic parameters, playback, download or share the videos with your customers.

GoodVision Vault is part of the
Video Insights platform.
Not sure how to start with GoodVision Vault?
Do you have video footage to store, or do you want to replace your old hard-drives? Please contact us and we’ll help you to start with GoodVision Vault!What makes GoodVision Vault special?
GoodVision Vault is the place for your traffic footage. Once processed via GoodVision, videos become a part of your analytical project. You can playback, look up events, and share them with your customers as a part of the project delivery.
Upload videos before traffic processing
Prepare your data before processing. Uploading to GoodVision Vault is FREE. Once you upload all of your video footage, you can process them anytime.
Playback, video-process and look up events
GoodVision Vault in extraordinary video storage. Once connected to your traffic data, you can playback and look up the videos interactively.
A delivery portal for your customers
Having your data in the Vault enables us to give your data more insight. Playback your data during scene description or analyze specific behaviours right in the Video Insight platform.