GoodVision Video Insights

A complete suite for traffic data analytics

Join the community of our 4000+ satisfied users on 6 continents and run your traffic projects in GoodVision Video Insights

Collect traffic data from video
Run advanced traffic modelling analyses
Monitor traffic in real-time
Ensure secure smart video storage
Collaborate easily with peers
Try it nowGetting Started Guide

Where Surveyors meet Modellers

GoodVision Video Insights is a platform for all kinds of data analytical tasks on your traffic and transport planning projects.

Surveyors save time on data collection
Modellers save time on model calibration
Users exchange multipurpose data
Platform where all parties collaborate
Traffic Data Collection
Get traffic data from video data sources in the fastest and the most convenient way ever by removing manual data collection
Traffic Modelling
Analyse traffic behaviour, calibrate your models automatically and save time by removing manual labour

GoodVision Video Insights in 4 steps

1. Prepare your footage

Following a few recommendations for your fixed camera or drone video processing will assure results with the highest possible accuracy and shortest delivery times. For more information check our data sheet.

Download data sheet

2. Extract data from video

We use proprietary artificial intelligence to extract hi-resolution traffic data from cameras. Precious and accurate data for modelling, transport planning and traffic control.

Data sources
Video recordings
All standard traffic video files
Live camera streams
Other data sources
Google Drive, ANPR camera and other


Vehicle classification
8 classes of vehicles, including pedestrians and bicycles
Min 95% accuracy of traffic data
Traffic data reliable in all weather conditions
1-hour data turnaround
Results from every traffic survey are immediate

Learn more about our Traffic Data Collection solution.

3. Describe your traffic scene

Extracted data is perfectly visualised and you interactively describe what you want to analyse on the traffic scene. Turning movements, traffic events, and scenarios.

Main tools for data filtering

Learn more about interactive analyses on Traffic Modelling page.

Virtual Lines & Zones
Occupancy events
Stopped vehicles
Complex scenarios
Complex networks
Complex networks

4. Analyse traffic parameters

There is plenty of traffic behavioural parameters and performance measures that can be analysed and exported from roads and junctions in GoodVision Video Insights. This data provides precious insights to traffic engineers on-road usage, traffic performance or safety.

Book a demo

Everything you need to improve traffic efficiency - in one place

Interactive dashboard
Working with extracted data on the traffic scene is a fully interactive experience
Video playback
You can review and visually inspect your original video in the application during your analysis
Analytical widgets
Every traffic parameter can be immediately displayed as a widget on your dashboard, including graphs, heatmaps, or diagrams
Video storage
Your traffic footage can be stored for future needs in your project folder in your account
Reports and exports
Every traffic parameter can be exported as a summary or in detail for every single vehicle separately
Sharing and collaboration
Extracted traffic data, traffic reports, and traffic video footage can be shared with your colleagues and customers

Pricing and platform plans

Are you a traffic surveyor who needs to collect traffic data from your video? Or are you a traffic modeller who needs to obtain high-resolution traffic performance parameters for your traffic models? We have a platform plan based on your needs. Get in touch with us to know more about our plan options.

Contact us for more information
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Start your Trial today!

Join 3500+ traffic engineers

Create your account for free
No credit card required
14 days of full-featured app
Free video processing samples
Start your trial today
Surveyor Plan

299/ month / 1 user

Multimodal traffic counting
Fixed cameras from 4€ / hour
Drone cameras from 16€ / hour
100 GB video storage
Team collaboration
Premium support
Modeller Plan

699/ month / 5 users

All from Surveyor Plan +
Speed and travel time analysis
Gap-acceptance analysis
1 TB video storage
Saturation flows analysis
Traffic model calibration
Surveyor Plan

199/ month / 1 user

Multimodal traffic counting
Fixed cameras from 4€ / hour
Drone cameras from 16€ / hour
100 GB video storage
Team collaboration
Premium support
Modeller Plan

599/ month / 5 users

All from Surveyor Plan +
Speed and travel time analysis
Gap-acceptance analysis
1 TB video storage
Saturation flows analysis
Traffic model calibration

Pricing and platform plans

Are you a traffic surveyor who needs to collect traffic data from your video? Or are you a traffic modeller who needs to obtain high-resolution traffic performance parameters for your traffic models? We have a platform plan based on your needs. Get in touch with us to know more about our plan options.

Contact us for pricing
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Enterprise option

If you are a large-scale business and you require a tailored package or a custom solution, please contact us regarding our enterprise plan option.

Tailor-made package
Custom integration
Custom on-site deployment
Custom branding
Custom artificial intelligence
Custom project team